Lots of oversize and heavy transports use Slovenian roads every day. Between June and August, 4 transformer transports were conducted which could be listed among the biggest ones. Oversized transports, whose total mass was over 300 tons, are very rare and only happen every few years. Since they require huge composition dimensions, which are needed to transfer the cargo weight to the roadmask in accordance with the maximum permissible axle load.

Two trucks
Two trucks were used for transport of these transformers, of which one was pulling the composition in front and the other one was pushing it from the back. Special 4 axle trucks were used which were specially adapted for heavy transports. First one was MAN TGX with the powerful 15,2-liter d38 engine with 480 kW or 640 HP and specially adjusted gear shifter and hydraulic clutch, which allows it to bear huge workloads without risk of overheating or malfunction. Because of the short axle distances which are necessary for better handling, the truck is equipped with cabin tower, where the gas tanks and hydraulic cooling system with big cooler and ventilator are installed. The composition was pushed from the back by the 4 axle Iveco Trakker with the Cursor 13 engine and 560 HP. When we are talking about transport with 2 or more trucks, good communication between drivers and their synchronized driving are of great importance, because otherwise there is a risk of severe damage on the vehicle and generally dangerous situations during transport.

Because of the short axle distances which are necessary for better handling, the truck is equipped with cabin tower, where the gas tanks and hydraulic cooling system with big cooler and ventilator are installed. The composition was pushed from the back by the 4 axle Iveco Trakker with the Cursor 13 engine and 560 HP. When we are talking about transport with 2 or more trucks, good communication between drivers and their synchronized driving are of great importance, because otherwise there is a risk of severe damage on the vehicle and generally dangerous situations during transport.
Special trailer
Special cargoes require not only specially adjust trucks but also special trailers. In this case Goldhofer modular trailer with hydraulic suspension and 8 wheels per axle was used. Depending on the cargo weight and required maneuverability, modules are connected into a single composition. Two of these modules are the base which are connected by the bridge carrier on which the cargo is secured. Front end of the carrier is secured to the first module and back end is secured on the second module, while the cargo itself is suspended in the air secured on the bridge carrier.

This design, despite its long length, still allows for good maneuverability, as the load is far enough above the ground to pass over curbs or traffic islands and green areas at intersections, while only the first and last module units are moved. Of course, thanks to the hydraulic suspension, the distance of the load above the ground can also be regulated if necessary – when driving on the highway, it is usually lowered to the lowest possible level, which achieves a low center of gravity. The individual axes of the modules are of course also manually controlled, which is regulated by escort drivers with hand-held remote controls.

Two days for a bit over a hundred kilometers
Special transports were conducted from Kolektor Etra in Črnuče to the port of Koper. While the distance was only a bit over 100 km, transformer transports lasted two days with the exception of the fourth one, which had to be transported in a single day due to time restrictions cause by the recent floods. The main reason for the two-day transport program was safety – namely, the wish of the transporter was that the team of drivers and accompanying technical staff should be as rested as possible and, therefore, focused on work. On the first day, the transport was carried out from Črnuče, to the former toll station on Kozina, where the composition waited until the next day, when the transport was completed to its destination in Port of Koper.
Demanding beginning and end
Usually the beginnings and endings of such special transports are the most demanding, because they take place in industrial zones or cities where the roads are narrower and there are more obstacles, which was also the case on this occasion. Unlike the previous practice, the transport team decided to go in reverse from Etra via Šlandrova st. to Brnčičeva st. and thus save time for changing the direction of the truck twice. On the Štajerska cesta, the height adjustment was made for driving on the highway, and then the beginning of the easier part of the route via the Tomačevo roundabout and the northern Ljubljana bypass to the Log checkpoint, where the composition withdrew from the highway, letting the traffic pass, and the team of drivers and escorts took a short break.

The continuation of the route was quite undemanding, the most attention was focused only on bridges and overpasses, as it was determined in the static assessment of facilities, which is mandatory for the transport of a total weight of over 60 tons, that certain facilities, due to the smaller possible load, can only accept vehicles for special transport without other vehicles at the same time. This is also the reason why overtaking of other vehicles was not allowed on most of the transport route. In a static assessment, this is not only determined, but can dictate exactly where the composition must drive over the bridge (for example, in the middle or along a certain lane) and determine the maximum speed of driving over the bridge. The speed was below 10 km/h on the steeper climbs, but it reached 45 km/h on the flat sections.
Destination in the port of Koper
On the second day, the transport continued on a shorter but more demanding route, which started at the Bertok exit and continued all the way to Port of Koper. Getting the 69-meter composition off the highway required great concentration and precise work from the driver, as it was very tight. The road to the main entrance to the Port of Koper passes through roundabouts, which are of sufficient dimensions that slow traffic can easily overcome them. Even at the port entrance, the team’s work was not yet finished, as they were still waiting for the last few hundred meters through the port, to the pier, where they loaded the transformer onto the ship that transports the transformers to Vietnam. Even in those last few meters the transport crossed two more bridges and several narrow turns before reaching its destination.

Several months of preparation
The Comark company has been organizing special transports for more than thirty years, but such transports require several months of preparation – this time they spent between three and four months working on it. In addition to the static assessment of bridge structures, which is carried out by experts in the field of construction, a precise transport plan with detailed traffic management is also required, certain permits must be obtained, especially from road managers, contracts must be drawn up for the withdrawal of some traffic signs, the implementation of traffic suspensions and information public. The safety of all road users is always in the first place, so it is always good news when such a demanding transport arrives safely at its destination.
Tekst in foto: Boštjan Paušer
Translate by: Aleksandar Pavlić (Comark d.o.o.)
Vir: Transport & Logistika (september 9/2023, letnik 23, številka 237)